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Consent for medical assessment and provision of a report


The Occupational Health (OH) assessment that you are about to receive is being carried out at the request of your employer so that OH advice can be provided on how your health affects your ability to work.  The General Medical Council recommends that you have the opportunity to confirm that you understand the purpose of this assessment, consent to being assessed by the occupational health physician and consent to a report based on the assessment being supplied by your employer.  All medical information will be kept in strict medical confidence by OH.


General Data Protection Regulation  (GDPR) 2018 – You or your authorised representative may apply for access to your own occupational health records under the GDPR 2018 by applying in writing to Rockingham Occupational Health Limited.  For more information on GDPR see the bottom of the page.


The Access to Medical Reports Act 1988 – This Act does not apply in this situation, as the doctor who examines you is not responsible for your clinical care.  He is acting as an independent medical adviser to your current (or prospective) employer.  For more information on Access to Medical Records see the bottom of the page.


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